What are the 3 least desirable trees to have in Houston, Texas?
www.aldinetreeservices.com What are the 3 least desirable trees to have in Houston, Texas? The 3 least desirable trees to have in Houston, Texas may vary based upon location, personal opinion, and unique situation. In an effort to help the community, Delfino Sanchez Vargas is sharing the 3 least desired trees for the Houston, Texas area: The Houston area Urban Forestry Council indicates three local trees are undesirable. The reasons range from being classified as an Invasive species, susceptibility to bores and other plagues, or simply difficult to maintain. The three arbors are the following: Arizona Ash Chinese Tallow Silver Maple Delfino Sanchez Vargas has the industrial timber cutting equipment to cut down and remove these undesired arbors. Eliminating a tree from your home footprint often catches customers off guard. Suddenly, their home gets hotter faster, because they didn't consider the shade impact. Others a...