
Showing posts with the label houston tree professional

Can a Tree Service provider maintain safe social distance during Covid-19?

During a time when many Americans and global citizens find themselves confined to their home property, one often has the opportunity to observe their tree limbs more closely.  Many have routine work performed, however may not feel confident with their provider's preparation for the Corona Virus.  So can a tree service provider maintain safe social distance during Covid-19?   Yes, however there are several important guidelines which must be adhered to.   Using our  website , we can make this a Zero contact experience. Communications, updates, and payment details can all be arranged through our secure page.   Please don't approach us while we're working.  We genuinely need to maintain more than 6 feet of distance to ensure our team's safety and in turn yours. We answer FAQ here. We are not able to engage in hand shaking.  Thanks for understanding it's part of our strict personal hygiene protocols during this pandemic. Tr...

Trust a Tree Service Estimate provided over the phone?

So, the question is, If a provider hasn't visited my home, should I trust a tree service estimate provided over the phone? We believe the simple answer is, No if a provider hasn't visited your home, you should honestly not trust any tree service estimate provided over the phone. An accurate estimate is a binding one a customer can rely upon for accuracy beyond a few days. To receive the best service experience, we highly advise only accepting quotes provided from individuals who have visited your tree location.  As a courtesy, we’d like alert you of a current practice many customers have shared with us.   Here's the most common scenario: The Customer contacts 4 Houston tree service providers.  3 offer a price without seeing the job.  One group asks for the address to visit the property.  The customer receives prices of $800; $1,500, and $1,800.  They pick the lowest price of $800. Initially, they're told it will happe...