Trust a Tree Service Estimate provided over the phone?
So, the question is, If a provider hasn't visited my home, should I trust a tree service estimate provided over the phone? We believe the simple answer is, No if a provider hasn't visited your home, you should honestly not trust any tree service estimate provided over the phone. An accurate estimate is a binding one a customer can rely upon for accuracy beyond a few days. To receive the best service experience, we highly advise only accepting quotes provided from individuals who have visited your tree location. As a courtesy, we’d like alert you of a current practice many customers have shared with us. Here's the most common scenario: The Customer contacts 4 Houston tree service providers. 3 offer a price without seeing the job. One group asks for the address to visit the property. The customer receives prices of $800; $1,500, and $1,800. They pick the lowest price of $800. Initially, they're told it will happe...