
How much does it cost to remove a large tree hanging over my home?

How much does it cost to remove a large tree hanging over my home?  The cost to remove a large tree hanging over a home has many variables.  For example: How large is the tree? Is the tree already touching the roof? Is it a multi story home? Is the tree already dead? Does the homeowner want to try to conserve the integrity of the tree, and only remove the areas suspended over the roof line?  How can I remove Oak branches touching windows without killing the tree?   We can remove Oak branches touching windows without killing the tree.  There are a few things we'll have to examine such as: The percentage of the tree which is already touching the home. The root structure of the tree.  Sometimes a leaning tree is a sign of fundamental root issues which may present a more complicated issue. More often than not, we are able to simply trim the branches or limbs involved with being too close to windows or siding, and the home or business owner can be worry free for years to

Is Cutting Down a Leaning or Dead Oak Tree Dangerous? (Houston provider details)

Is Cutting an Oak Tree Down in Houston Dangerous? Yes, cutting an oak tree in Houston is extremely dangerous. We are a professional honest team with 20 years of experience.  We realize upon watching us, it may look easy, however it literally took us numerous years to be able to climb and perform as we do today.  We know of many local weekend warrior disaster story emergency room nightmares, and would advise you to send us a note prior to buying, renting or borrowing any equipment. You might be surprised at our prices, and possibly realize you can watch us from the comfort of your home for a lower cost than just one visit to the hospital.  How much does it cost to remove a large tree hanging over my home?  The cost to remove a large tree hanging over a home has many variables.  For example: How large is the tree? Is the tree already touching the roof? Is it a multi story home? Is the tree already dead? Does the homeowner want to try to conserve the integrity of the tree, a